sabato 31 luglio 2010

Si è tenuta ieri sera a Los Angeles presso il Chinese Theater la premiere mondiale di "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World", l'adattamento cinematografico della serie di Bryan Lee O'Malley diretto da Edgar Wright. Sul tappeto rosso hanno sfilato i membri del cast, tra cui Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Anna Kendrick, Brandon Routh e molte star di Hollywood. Intanto arrivano le prime, entusiaste, recensioni della pellicola (che uscirà negli States il 13 agosto) che per molti analisti potrebbe persino intaccare al box office il granitico "Inception" di Christopher Nolan. Anche se provenienti da blog e da siti non ufficiali in materia di informazione cinematografica, l'unanimità è palese nel considerare il film un piccolo gioiello.
TRAMA DEL FILM SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD: Il giovane Scott Pilgrim incontra la donna dei suoi sogni, ma per conquistare il suo cuore dovrà proteggerla dai suoi sette diabolici ex-fidanzati.
REGIA: Edgar Wright ; SCENEGGIATURA: Edgar Wright, Michael Bacall ; ATTORI: Michael Cera (Juno), Anna Kendrick (Tra le nuvole, The Twilight Saga),Chris Evans ( Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Losers), Brandon Routh (Superman Returns, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Grindhouse, Live Free or Die Hard), Alison Pill (Milk), Mae Whitman (Boogeyman 2) , Jason Schwartzman (13 Going on 30), Brie Larson (13 Going on 30), Kieran Culkin (The Cider House Rules), Johnny Simmons (Jennifer's Body, The Spirit), Mark Webber (Shrink), Aubrey Plaza (Funny People), Abigail Chu (Splice).

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Was held last night in Los Angeles at the Chinese Theater, the world premiere of "Scott Pilgrim Vs The World", an adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's series directed by Edgar Wright. Paraded on the red carpet cast members, including Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Anna Kendrick, Brandon Routh and many Hollywood stars. Meanwhile arrive early, enthusiastic reviews of the film (due out in the States on August 13) that many analysts may even adversely affect the box office on granite "Inception" by Christopher Nolan. Although from blogs and unofficial sites on information film, it is clear unanimity in finding the film a little gem.
PLOT OF THE FILM SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD: The young Scott Pilgrim meets the woman of his dreams, but to win her heart will protect her from her seven evil ex-boyfriends.
DIRECTOR: Edgar Wright, written by Edgar Wright, Michael Bacall, ACTORS: Michael Cera (Juno), Anna Kendrick (Among the Clouds, The Twilight Saga), Chris Evans (Fantastic Four Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Losers ) Brandon Routh (Superman Returns, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Grindhouse, Live Free or Die Hard), Alison Pill (Milk), Mae Whitman (Boogeyman 2), Jason Schwartzman (13 Going On 30) , Brie Larson (13 Going on 30), Kieran Culkin (The Cider House Rules), Johnny Simmons (Jennifer's Body, The Spirit), Mark Webber (Shrink), Aubrey Plaza (Funny People), Abigail Chu (Splice).

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