INFORMAZIONI: Fino al 17 luglio al Teatro Franco Parenti di Milano; Compagnia Teatri Possibili presenta HARD CANDY di Brian Nelson con la regia di Corrado d'Elia. In scena: Daniele Ornatelli e Désirée Giorgetti. Lo spettacolo è vietato ai minori di 14 anni. Prezzi: Intero: 20.00 €
Ridotto under 26 e convenzionati: 16.00 € Ridotto over 60 e allievi TP (con carta TPCLUB): 12.00 € TP CARD (solo per la 1° e la 2° replica, tutte le Serate Allievi ove programmate): 2.00 €. Orario: Lunedì – Domenica: ore 21.00 - venerdì 16 e sabato 17, doppio spettacolo alle ore 21 e alle ore 22.30 - Infotel 02-8323126
Accomplice of mouth and a taste of transgression (is available to persons age 14 years) to Milan, there was the 'case' Hard Candy '. The show Corrado d'Elia, given the numerous requests passed by the Teatro Franco Parenti Available in Milan, is on stage until July 17. "It 's a story about pedophilia, but with dramatic implications and unexpected," said Desiree Giorgetti interviewed the star. "Of course we did not expect all this success and the warm public reception for this show that is staged for the first time. The pre-debut was held June 18 and we are replicating from June 22 .- -. explains the actress is a subject difficult and thorny as that of pedophilia, but not as a moral condemnation. In the audience trying to inculcate a doubt, based on the guilt of the protagonists and with doubt until the last over who is the real murderer. "The story is based on an actual event, which inspired the 2005 film starring Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson, where a group of Japanese girls lured by Web masters mature. Once the homes of these men began the nightmare. tortured and torture 'victims'. It' also why the show is forbidden. But there is to say Compared with the film that bloody scenes there is also room for a few moments of levity to soften the atmosphere. "
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