Carlos Meglia disegnatore di Cybersix nasce nel 1957 a Quilmes, nei pressi di Buenos Aires, in Argentina. Inizia a lavorare come assistente di Oswal e come illustratore per Sansón e Meñique e per la Tv argentina. Firma numerose illustrazioni per i magazine “Pendulum” e “Skorpio” e si dedica all’adattamento a fumetti di classici della letteratura di ogni tempo, come “El Quixote”, “La Bibbia” e “Martín Fierro”, per la Record Editorial. I suoi lavori vengono pubblicati da tutte le principali riviste d’Argentina (“Satiricón”, “El Gráfico”, “Billiken”, ecc.), ma nel 1984 decide di entrare agli Hanna & Barbera Studios dove, per qualche tempo, disegna gli sfondi per popolari serie a cartoni animati, dai “Puffi” ai “Flinstones”, per il film d’animazione “The Magic Pumpkin”, e tantissimi layout. Dopo questa esperienza avviene l’incontro artistico più importante e fruttuoso della sua carriera, quello col noto scrittore argentino Carlos Trillo: ne nasce un connubio inossidabile . La prima prova del duo Meglia/Trillo è “Irish Coffee”, ritenuto da molti il primo vero comic charachter d’Europa. Successivamente Meglia crea “Bing Bang” e “Gabriel”, che vengono pubblicati in tutta Europa. Tra le tante attività in cui è impegnato, vi è anche quella di autore delle copertine per l’Acme Editorial (sulle quali si firma con lo pseudonimo Karuro Mecuria) e quella di insegnante di illustrazione alla School of Fine Arts di Quilmes, la sua città natale. Nel 1991, nuovamente al fianco di Trillo, crea per il mercato italiano (su “Lancio Story” dell’Eura Editoriale) il loro più noto personaggio, la bellissima eroina nata in laboratorio, esemplare numero 6 della serie “cyber”: Cybersix. Grazie all’enorme successo di pubblico, Cybersix conquista a distanza di soli sei mesi dalla sua prima apparizione la sua testata personale (un mensile a 96 pagine). Nel 1993 è premiato come miglior comic charachter europeo e i suoi stessi autori ottengono svariati riconoscimenti. Insieme con Trillo, Meglia firma anche la miniserie “Lam” e “Livevil”, mentre “Cybersix” diviene un serial di sette puntate per la Tv argentina, con Carolina Peleriti nel ruolo di protagonista. Sempre di “Cybersix” Meglia ha curato la produzione (canadese-giapponese) di una serie a cartoni animati, trasmessa in moltissimi paesi. Oltre agli ultimi lavori per l’Europa con Trillo e ai vari progetti che ruotano intorno a “Cybersix”, Meglia ha prestato le matite a famosi comic book americani: “Wildcats”, “Crimson” (Wildstorm), “Spyboy” , “Star Wars” (Dark Horse), “Elektra” (Marvel).Nel 2005, crea la serie Canari con lo sceneggiatore Crisse per la casa editrice francese Soleil di cui usciranno solo i primi due volumi, a causa della prematura scomparsa del disegnatore. Meglia infatti muore il 15 agosto 2008 ad appena 50 anni. L'ultimo lavoro pubblicato è Red Song per il mercato francese.

Carlos Better Cybersix designer was born in 1957 in Quilmes, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. He began working as assistant Oswal and as an illustrator for Sansón and Meñique and television argentina. Signature numerous illustrations for the magazine "Pendulum" and "Skorpio" and is dedicated to comic book adaptation of literary classics of all time, as "El Quixote", "The Bible" and "Martin Fierro", to the Editorial Record. His works are published by all the major magazines of Argentina ( "Satiricón", "El Gráfico", "Billiken", etc..), But in 1984 decided to enter the Hanna & Barbera Studios, where for some time, outlined the Wallpaper for a popular cartoon series, the "Smurfs" to the "Flinstones", for the animated film "The Magic Pumpkin", and many layout. This happens after the meeting most important artistic and fruitful of his career, the one with the famous Argentine writer Carlos Trillo: I was born a union steel. The first test of the duo is better / Trillo is "Irish Coffee", considered by many the first real comic character of Europe. Better subsequently creates "Bing Bang" and "Gabriel", which are published throughout Europe. Among the many activities in which it is committed, there is also the author of cover for the Acme Editorial (on which it is signed with the pseudonym Karur Mecuria) and the teacher of illustration at the School of Fine Arts in Quilmes, his town Hometown. In 1991, again alongside Trillo, creates for the Italian market (on "Launch Story" dell'Eur Editorial) their most famous character, the beautiful heroine was born in the laboratory, sample number 6 of the "cyber" Cybersix. The huge success of public achievement Cybersix distance of only six months after its first appearance his head staff (one month to 96 pages). In 1993 he was awarded Best European comic character and his same authors obtained several awards. Together with Trillo, better signing the miniseries "Lam" and "Livevil", while "Cybersix" becomes a series of seven episodes for the TV argentina, Peler with Carolina in the role of protagonist. Always "Cybersix" Meglio took care of the production (Canada-Japan) in a series of cartoons, broadcast in many countries. In addition to recent work for Europe with Trillo and the various projects that revolve around "Cybersix", better supplier of pencils at famous American comic book: "Wildcats", "Crimson" (Wildstorm), "Spyboy", "Star Wars "(Dark Horse)," Elektra "(Marvel). In 2005, the series creates Canari Criss with the scriptwriter for the French publisher Soleil of which will leave only the first two volumes, due to the untimely death of the designer. Meglia fact died August 15 in 2008 to just 50 years. The latest work is published Red Song for the French market.
Trillo carlos_trilloCarlos Scriptwriter of Cybersix was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on 5 May 1943. Screenwriter of the most original, begins its work in 1963, collaborates with the magazines Patoruzú (1964 to 1968) and Tía Vicenta. He wrote episodes for the characters of Ediciones García Ferrè and collaborates with radio and television. For the magazine you días Alejandro Dolina writes "Tony Avila, el detective poet", a series of humorous stories yellow. In 1974 he was appointed coordinator of the magazine creative Satiricón. In 1975 he began to create their own characters. Hence this Daneri A - episodes designed by Alberto Breccia, published by the journal Menga (which became managing editor in 1976) and in Italy from an accredited Editiemme - and El Loco Chávez, with drawings by Horacio Altuna, a "strip" published from 1975 to 1987 by the daily Clarín (in Italy will be published in full by Eura volumes) and became television series in 1978. Collaborate with Enrique Breccia series adventurous El Dios good while it is also a reduction and comic adaptations of great classics of literature, particularly fantastic: Alberto Breccia with many reductions achieved by the stories and novels of Edgar Allan Poe, Horacio Quiroga, Lord Dunsany and tales of the Brothers Grimm. By Enrique Breccia kick off the series in 1977 Alvar Mayor (which will last until 1982, published from Skorpio, Lanciostory Italy's and France by Dargaud) and El Peregrino en las estrellas, and Los viajes de Marco Mono, while the following year is the time series of the kingdom for blue Italian magazine "Linus". Also collaborates with the Italian publisher Sergio Bonelli, for the series "A man, an adventure." Between 1979 and 1984 writes puertitas Las del Señor Lopez, one of his most brilliant ideas, with designs Altuna, translated to film in Argentina, directed by Alberto FISCHERMAN awarded in 1984 in Switzerland at the Festival of Art Chaplin; and Charlie Moon, Merdichesky, Slot machine, with Altuna. Take turns at his side the best authors write for Dragger Mandrafina with whom he also realizes El contortions, which gives the subject the first American film directed by Argentinean Juan Campanella), Custer for Spanish Jordi Bernet (and could become a television series German-Italian), El negro blanco for Ernesto García Seijas (strip to the Clarín daily from 1987 to 1996) and Cybersix Carlos Meglia.Di success for the series of tables Clara de noche (Chiara at night), written in collaboration with Eduardo Maicas and drawn by Jordi Bernet; since 1991 is published by the humorous weekly El Jueves Spanish and Argentine newspaper Pagina 12, in Italy and published in the magazine and Eura in rolls (not counting editions German, French, Greek, etc.). From 28 April 2002 wrote the new series Cazados for the daily Clarín in Buenos Aires, designed by O'kif. Together with Guillermo Saccomanni, Trillo also writes columns of criticism and history of comics on Skorpio and Tit-Bits and essays, as the fundamental "Historia de la Argentina historieta" produced for Ediciones Record in 1980.
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